
Unsere Kurse finden je nach Bedarf im Medizinischen Trainings- und Bewegungszentrum, in unseren Gymnastikräumen, im Schwimmbadbereich oder in freier Natur in der schönen Umgebung Bad Elsters statt. Einige Kurse werden von den Krankenkassen bezuschusst.

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Yoga looks back on thousands of years of history and is an Indian-established technique of breathing, concentrating as well as body tension and relaxation. Exercises that will relax and unwind you and make you forget your everyday stress are followed by a combination of different movements and postures (Asanas) and breathing exercises (Pranayamas)., All exercises focus on physical senses. The training is closed by exercises for deep relaxation of body, spirit and mind. The Hatha Yoga offered at Sächsischen Staatsbäder GmbH is especialy recommended for inner balancing, stress relief, improvement of coordination and movement, as relaxation technique as well as to soothe difficulties in concentration or sleeping disorders and can be exercised well into old age.  


Progressive muscle relaxation by Jacobson
During this easy-to-learn relaxation method you lie down or sit in a quiet and warm surrounding. With the help of an experienced therapist you focus on the switch from tension to relaxation. In a certain sequence, single muscles are first tensed, hold and then relaxed. This deeply soothes the entire body and lowers the tension of muscles due to better physical awareness. This method is especially recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure, muscles tensions, sleeplessness, headaches, and physical problems.   


Back training
Healthy backs need not only to be strong but also agile. During this course – also financially supported by health insurances – the focus is on strengthening your back muscles. By learning how to move and posture back-friendly you will get a better understanding for your spine. Stretching techniques and exercises will help keeping and improving your mobility. Muscle imbalances will be balanced and awareness is trained. The motto of this course is „We help you to help yourself“.

Nordic Walking
This activity is suitable for people of all ages and training types as it is easy to learn and to perform. Nordic walking is a most effective whole-body-training using 90% of your body’s muscles, but at the same time is very gently to your joints. The additional use of walking sticks intensifies the diagonal leg and armwork when walking, relaxes and strengthens shoulders, neck and upper body as well as it trains your coordination and physical awareness. The activity and being outside does not only stimulate your fat metabolism, but also trains your cardiovascular system and lifts your mood. Nordic walking is the best outdoor sport for rehabilitating sport injuries. We also offer walking sticks for rent during our courses. 

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