Sports & Leisure

The environs of Bad Elster have a lot in store when it comes to sports and other leisure activities. We especially recommend hiking or bike tours in the Vogtland area.



For a full list of destinations and excursions in Bad Elster and surroundings, please go to full list of excursions


Below please find detailed information about sports & leisure activities in Bad Elster and surroundings.

Vogtlandarena Klingenthal

Die eindrucksvolle, leichte und moderne Architektur der Großschanze und des Kampfrichterturmes ist besonders beeindruckend.

Start picture gallery

more information about the excursion destination

Vogtland Arena
Falkensteiner Straße 133
08248 Klingenthal
Phone: 037467 28086-0
Fax: 037467 28086-32


Opening hours:

Daily open from 10 am to 4 pm
Mai-October: Saturday/Sunday, bank holiday´s, holiday´s (Saxony): 10 am to 6 pm


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