Bade- und Saunalandschaft Bad Brambach

Wichtige Information

Die Bade- und Saunalandschaft Bad Brambach bleibt auf Grundlage der Allgemeinverfügung des Freistaates Sachsen – Vollzug des Infektionsschutzgesetzes zur Eindämmung der Corona-Pandemie bis auf Weiteres geschlossen.

Informationen und Buchungen von montags bis freitags 9 - 17 Uhr unter 037437 71-111.

Swimming landscape and Sauna with Sauna Village

A visit to our pool and sauna area is definitely going to be an experience of well-being for all your senses. You may choose from tepidarium, steam bath or Finnish sauna in our indoor sauna area or you just stroll outside and into our sauna village with its truly special atmosphere. Enjoying the view into our beautiful spa gardens, you can indulge in the herbal sauna or try different aroma sauna with fresh or relaxing scents. Now, one of the highlights is our little cabin boasting a warming fireplace for perfect relaxation.  

Indulge in our relaxing water (32°) both in- and outdoors or try our whirlpool or the muscle-relaxing neck and floor jets. The light-flooded, relaxing atmosphere and the special garden view can work wonders on tenseness and exhaustion.

> Operating hours and rates

For information or questions, please feel free to get in touch with us! phone: +49 (0)37438 88-111

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