Bäder und Packungen


The hay bag is a fleece filled with Alpine hay which is moistened and heated to approx. 40 °C. It is then placed under the guest’s back (shoulder belt or lumbar vertebra area). The guest also rests especially warmly wrapped into a blanket for approx. 30 minutes. The active agents of the hay can be opened up and can develop their healthy effect through the heat which develops.

Effect: The active ingredients of blossoms and the fruits in the grass promote circulation, relax muscles/de-cramp, de-toxify, purge and stimulate  the immune system Mental and spiritual well-being are intensified.

Indication: Rheumatic complains, muscle tensions, psycho-vegetative states of tension.

Duration: 30 minutes + recovery time

Price per person

Service Price: 14,90


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Service Price 14,90 *
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